Gestiona Radio
21 May 2014
Tweri Alzheimer's Caregiver visits the spanish broadcaster Gestiona Radio
The spanish radio program "En clave de Sanidad" invited us to participate in their talk show as one of the 50 best mHealth mobile apps, according to the report published by The App Date.
We visit Gestiona Radio.
This Tuesday we came back to the radio to talk about Tweri, our mobile app for affected by Alzheimer's disease. This time we went to the program En clave de sanidad on Gestiona Radio, that invited us to their talk show as one of the 50 best mHealth apps in Spanish, according to the report recently published by The App Date.
Jorge Ruiz, Product Manager of Tweri, shared table with Fernando Dal-Re, co-founder of Neomed, the first social network for doctors; Antonio González, CEO of Wake app health, app editorial centred on healthcare and Carlos Guardiola, from Medianet, the developers of Kids beating asthma, an educational mobile app for kids with this illness.
The conversation was focused on the relationship between technology and health, what will happen in the future and what problems is it facing nowadays. Listen to these and other interesing topics in the full audio (in Spanish):